Savoring the Simple

Like many, most of my mornings begin with a snoozed alarm. Somehow though, my dogs have grasped the concept of the alarm but not the snooze button, negating the snoozed alarm to begin with. So, after 5 or so minutes of their “encouragement”, I limp my way to the back door (because I still haven’t figured out how to fix my plantar fasciitis) and I let the dogs out. After our two aging canines have relieved themselves and eaten, I ponder the crucial decision of staying up or laying back down. During this decision making segment of my morning, I start to remember all the things I need to do; I check emails, socials, check in with McKenzie for whatever RW questions have risen during the night, realize I will forget something if I don’t go ahead and put it in my work bag and ultimately decide that I’m up and it's time for coffee. 


During our planning process for this collection, I honestly wasn’t sure if people would understand this choice of celebrating something so seemingly random. The beauty of the glass straw is its simplicity, and while it may represent an endeavor that is far from simple, it within itself is simple. We really believe that something as simple as a glass straw can make your day better. We think that being mindful of those simple things that make your day better, can make your life better.

It is almost always an iced brown sugar oat milk latte. I gave up on pretending that iced lattes weren’t my favorite. I have fully embraced whatever stereotype might accompany my coffee choices. I also have stopped pretending that I don’t hate soup now too, but that is another blog for another time. My coffee is just for me, glass straw and all. It's a small moment of decadence and pleasure, an awakening of the senses. The sticky sweet smelling syrup, the warm espresso, the cold milk, the plink of the ice cubes, the artistry of the brown and cream swirling together as my straw finds its way through the ice. It’s an opportunity for mindfulness, as the blending of flavors hits my tongue.  My life is filled with privilege and joy, but my internal threads were woven together with a propensity for feeling all of the feelings, oftentimes, all at once. This simplicity, this mindful moment that I intentionally celebrate each morning becomes a balm to my system. 


What is your balm? What is your glass straw? What simple things are you choosing to intentionally savor and appreciate?


Be Bold


To Wonder about Wandering